I want to share my memo regarding Facebook meeting with Facebook staff.
There was a meeting with the last end of January, 2019 with Facebook representative.
I had communicated with Facebook Audience Network team in Singapore because my company’s Instant Article.
But I lost my connection with Facebook Audience Network because of the resignation of him.
I got new communication with local Facebook staff.
I asked some questions about current issues to the Facebook staff, received some answers.
Crowd Tangle ( https://www.crowdtangle.com/ ) Related
Facebook offers a statistical analystic tool, the news service of the crowd Tangle for free to media.
Using the free product, you can analysis your facebook with others media pages.
Also, you can analyze what contents from the competing pages are hot right now.
For me it’s better than paid analytic tools.
Though I am not sure the criteria Facebook to select the company for the CrowdTangle.
Facebook investment $ 300 million to local media
Facebook responds to critics with plan to invest $300m in local news
Facebook announced it would invest $ 300 million for three years beginning from America.
It will eventually spread worldwide.
This announcement appears to be a copy of Google News Google Initiative (GNI) Fund which would support $300 million for media digital innovation announced in 2017.
Many news media and media start-ups applied and plan to apply GNI fund.
I advise you to think about Facebook investment too.
Encoueagememt to use Facebook Storis
Facebook staff recommends the Facebook Stories feature.
The stories feature is winning every news feed algorithm.
Stories feature is typically good for just before live video starts.
Unfortunately I can’t use the feature because I use alias for my blog and my facebook page.
Facebook video pre-roll video
Facebook pages can have monitization from its own videos that are more than 3 minutes long.
I had information that the revenue from video ad is little for now. Because the videos from the company are usually less than 3 minutes long.
It will need to think strategically because media companies have focused on short videos.
No favor on traditional media over community pages
Facebook staff said “No” for my question if there is favor on traditional media pages over community pages.
The news feed algorithm treats the same with the two sides.
However, the community pages are smart enough to understand and algorithm and Facebook only sanctions on the policy violations.
Thank you for reading my blog. (End)
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▲ 강의 이력
구글 디지털 성장 프로그램의 광고 워크샵 게스트 스피커(21년 6월)
구글 서치콘솔, 네이버 서치어드바이저, MS 웹마스터 도구 사용법(24년 8월 한국 언론진흥재단 미디어교육원)