I want to introduce sightwords which are taught in the kindergarten of the United States.
In the end you can download a PowerPoint 2007 file I made for my twins sightwords education.
What are the definition of sightwords
Sightwords are commonly used words that young children are encouraged to memorize as a whole by sight, so that they can automatically recognize these words in print without having to use any strategies to decode.
Sightwords of preschool and kindergarten are similar.
US kindergarten teachers teach students 3-4 sightwords weekly.
Kindergarten sightwords
The below photo is a kindergarten sightwords weekly cards for one year in North Carolina, USA.
Depending on the kindergarten teachers sightwords are slightly different.
In the picture the Quarter2 week8 color words are usual colors like rainbow.
※ Note:
This blog post is a test for checking organic English searching. (End)
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▲ 강의 이력
구글 디지털 성장 프로그램의 광고 워크샵 게스트 스피커(21년 6월)
구글 서치콘솔, 네이버 서치어드바이저, MS 웹마스터 도구 사용법(24년 8월 한국 언론진흥재단 미디어교육원)